Young Pioneer Tours

Travel update regarding Covid-19

The coronavirus Covid-19 which originated in China and has already led to the closing of the DPRK to all tourism for the indefinite future is continuing to make its way around the globe and disrupts tours in many countries and travel in general.

YPT has unfortunately already had to cancel a number of tours in March and April because of the risks of travel in the Middle East.

We still have a number of tours open in March and April including Afghanistan, Syria, Turkmenistan and Chernobyl & Transnistria, before tours to Cuba, Colombia and East Timor in late April/May.

We are continuing to monitor the situation in all countries where we run tours to and when we deem it a risk to travel we will cancel the tour and inform our Pioneers accordingly.

The reasons for cancellation are not simply the risk of travel to a country with a relatively large number of cases, but also the risk of not being allowed into a country depending on your nationality or travel history or indeed of being quarantined back in your home country after a tour.

What’s more, the situation can change day by day as new areas are affected and new restrictions on travel are put in place by different governments.

The DPRK remains closed for the foreseeable future, we get asked a lot when it will reopen but the only correct answer is we cannot be sure.

If you are booked on any of our tours around the world then as always feel free to contact us any time and we will continue to contact you whenever there is any firm update.

If you would like to book any of our DPRK tours or International tours later this year or in 2021 then remember we are still open for business!

It is an incredibly difficult time for us and indeed the whole industry and for many people around the world. We will get through this and thank you all for your support and the many wonderful messages we have had from people.

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