Young Pioneer Tours

Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism as of August 1st

Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism as of August 1st according to a report from Reuters. In a statement released by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Tourism they stated;

“Vaccinated tourists will be allowed to enter without having to be institutionally quarantined upon providing a negative Covid-19 PCR test and a vaccination certificate,”

This has obviously got us at YPT extremely excited, and should the news prove to be accurate then it will mean our October tour to the country will indeed go ahead. We will go into details about the tour later in the article, but before you start packing and booking tickets there were a few caveats thrown into the announcement.

Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism – what are the rules?

Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism as of August 1st
Saudi Arabia

As stated a negative PCR and proof of vaccination, but Saudi Arabia are only recognizing Pfizer (PFE.N), Astrazeneca (AZN.L), Moderna (MRNA.O) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N), rather than the World Health Organization (WHO) approved list.

To read at the WHO list of approved canines click here

This means that if like myself you have received Sinovac, you will not be allowed to enter Saudi Arabia as a tourist.

To read which countries are open to tourism click here .

Is it easy to get a visa for Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia was previously the most difficult country in the world to enter, and yes far more difficult than North Korea. Our first tour that we ran to the country involved us taking part in a trade show as delegates, rather than tourists.

You can read about our first trip to Saudi Arabia here .

Getting a visa though is still not all that easy, but something YPT can happily arrange for people joining group or independent tours to the country.

Will YPT be running a tour in October to Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism
Saudi Arabia to reopen for tourism

The news of Saudi Arabia reopening to tourism caught us a bit by surprise if we are honest! We have though reached out to our local partners who have confirmed that the country is indeed now open to tourism.

Therefore we are very happy to announce that our Saudi Arabian Tour will be going ahead as planned. You can check out the itinerary here .

We are though also acutely aware that things can and do change, so to reserve your spot we are initially just taking 50 Euro deposits, with us confirming the trip nearer the time.

Things might not be exactly back to normal yet, but countries are slowly starting to open their doors, which certainly bodes well for some form of normality returning to the travel world.

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