Young Pioneer Tours

Author: Pier Doyon

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What language do they speak in Svalbard

Hallo! That’s hello in Norwegian and god morgen! You guessed it, that was good morning in Norwegian. For this blog, we’ll be looking at the languages spoken in Svalbard. An iconic name that comes with the idea of being far, far away like Timbucktu only much, much colder, few people actually know what is the […]

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Currency of Mauritania

Mauritania has its own currency contrary to many of its neighbouring countries, which are all using the CFA. It is also interesting that the name of the Mauritanian currency, Ougiya is unique around the world, contrary to dollars, dinars and so on. Ouguiya means once in Hassaniya Arabic, which is a corruption of Standard Arabic […]

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Flag of Mauritania

The flag of Mauritania is probably the most recent flag of Africa. As we’ll see in more details below, its new shape has been adopted in 2017. It is a flag that symbolises the islamic culture of Mauritania. Design of the flag of Mauritania The flag of Mauritania consists of a golden crescent on a […]

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Flag of Eritrea

The national flag of Eritrea is a colourful flag of East Africa. It has been the symbol of the country since 1995. Design of the flag of Eritrea The Eritrean flag is a combination of the party flag of the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front, which has been leading the country since its independence in 1991, […]

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Flag of Somalia

The flag of Somalia is a very unique flag in Africa, where flags tend to go for the tricolor stripe design. Design of the flag of Somalia The Somali flag’s design is simple yet very efficient. It consists of a white five-pointed star on a light blue background. It was designed by a scholar of […]

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Flag of Somaliland

While it might be an unrecognized country, Somaliland is a country all the same. It has its autonomous institutions, its currency and government which sets it apart from the country it has broke away from, Somalia. As such, the somalilander flag is different from the flag of Somalia. The design of the flag of Somaliland […]

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Mega Tours and Travel 2024

At Young Pioneer Tours we consider ourselves the experts when it comes to mega tours and travel. We run a lot of tours to a lot of places, some of them are very short, but some are what we like to refer to as mega tours. What is a mega tour? To us it is […]

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Wondrous deserts of Egypt

Few countries are as iconic to travelling as Egypt. When thinking about the cliche of the traveller, you might have the Taj Mahal of Indian, the Great Wall of China or the Parthenon of Greece in mind but the Pyramids of Egypt are never far in mind. It is thus very surprising that this country […]

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Things to do in Western Sahara

As the largest unrecognized country in the world, it was certain that Young Pioneer Tours would develop quite the expertise when it comes to Western Sahara. As a vast swath of barely inhabitable desert, you could be forgiven for wondering if there are any fun activities in Western Sahara or sights to see. After running […]

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Four off the beaten path safari in Africa

You dream of seeing massive animals in the wild? Some of the biggest predators in the world? The go-to destination for that is Africa. South African Safaris are often the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of travelling to Africa and, as such, a lot of people do sign up for tours of […]

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