Young Pioneer Tours

Author: Paris Hailwood

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Visiting Iskanderkul Lake in Tajikistan

A tour to Tajikistan would only be complete with a visit to the iconic Iskanderkul Lake, so we have it included in our ever-so-popular five-stans budget tour itinerary. What is the Iskanderkul Lake? Nestled in the heart of the Fann Mountains in Tajikistan, Iskanderkul Lake is a testament to the raw beauty not only of […]

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The Majestic Eagle Hunters of Central Asia

The Art of Berkutchi Nestled within the expansive landscapes of Central Asia, the ancient art of Berkutchi, or eagle hunting, continues to captivate hearts and minds. This centuries-old tradition, deeply rooted in the nomadic cultures of regions like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, and parts of Central China, showcases the symbiotic relationship between humans and the majestic […]

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Six reasons why you should see the World Nomad Games

In 2024, Young Pioneer Tours is bringing you one of our most exciting tours – the World Nomad Games. We couldn’t resist bringing you along because these games are something special and serve as a unique platform that not only showcases traditional sports but also fosters cultural understanding, preserves heritage, and promotes the unity of […]

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Afghanistan’s Blue Mosque 

Afghanistan’s Blue Mosque, or the Mausoleum of Iman Ali, is among the most famous sights to visit in Afghanistan. Located in the loud and chaotic streets of Mazar-i-Sharif, most refer to it as an escape. The city is the fourth largest with at least 300,00 occupants; in the winter, however, this can change as families […]

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Travelling to Iraq Ethics

Travelling to Iraq ethics is a big question asked as tour guide and comes with challenges, including the onslaught of criticism received online, which is, among many emotions – frustrating. Note this makes up for a tiny percentage of messages received but is nonetheless impactful. Instead of engaging in conversation or curiosity, it can often […]

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Being a Vegetarian in Afghanistan – The Must Try List

The Afghan stance on meat and being a vegetarian in Afghanistan Being a vegetarian traveller is sometimes hard, with many countries people (or guides) needing help understanding and accepting. In Afghanistan, meat is essential to the population’s diet, with lamb, mutton and beef ranking among the most popular dishes. It is also important to remember […]

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Let’s Talk Marriage, Afghani, and Australian Women’s World Collide in Bamiyan, Afghanistan

Afghanistan has become synonymous with terrorism, war, and its extreme violations of women’s rights, whereby gender is the most significant determinant of one’s future. Since reclaiming the country by the Taliban in 2021, women have been removed from all spheres of public life, most suggesting homes becoming prisons, children becoming brides and bodies baby-making machines.  […]

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Visiting the Gates of Hell – Darvaza Crater: Turkmenistan Guide

Many people have had to wait three long years for the reopening of Turkmenistan and to tick off its most iconic destination – Darvaza Crater, famously known as the Gates of Hell. Then others grew up listening to Marco Polo’s stories or playing tag in the swimming pool where one shuts their eyes and yell […]

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Pioneering Women Travel – YPT Takes Afghanistan

A few hours ago, a group of extraordinary women and I boarded our flight from Kabul to Dubai, landing safely now (11:07 pm, 11th of July 2023), symbolising a successful expedition to Afghanistan as the first all-women tour since the Taliban takeover. As we sat in the waiting area of the Kabul airport for our […]

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The Girl from Aleppo, Syria

As our final day in Aleppo ended, we raced to a vantage point to watch the sunset in the old city. As we reached the top of the hill and snugged into our jackets to escape the breeze, the cold quickly subsided as we became inundated by locals who wished to say hello. Amongst them […]

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