Young Pioneer Tours

Author: Gareth Johnson

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Former Countries – The Samdech Euv Autonomous Zone – Cambodia

At Young Pioneer Tours we love a former country, particularly if it was very brief, strange and you can still visit there. We present the Samdech Euv Autonomous Zone. So, what the Samdech Euv Autonomous Zone? Essentially it was a secessionist state in eastern Cambodia born from the controversial 1993 elections. Prelude to to the […]

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What was the State of Cambodia?

Young Pioneer Tours have written extensively about the history of Cambodia, inclusive of Democratic Kampuchea to the Peoples Republic of Kampuchea and then back to the Kingdom of Cambodia. What many people do not realise though is that the country was very briefly known as the State of Cambodia. What’s in a name? Cambodia in […]

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Nine Countries that are not Democracies that might Surprise you

I tend to be careful about banding around words such as dictatorship. This is not just for fear of offending people, but also because there are varying degrees of not just what a dictatorship are, but also what constitutes democracy. You can read our charter on this here. This is particularly true when it comes […]

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Is Tuvalu the happiest country on earth?

Many people ask me why Tuvalu is my favorite country in the world and I always reply that it is hard to explain why, but I have recently come to a realization, is Tuvalu the happiest country on earth and is that why I like it so much? Now I know what many of you […]

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The Chinese of Nauru

As one of the smallest republics in the world, as well as the heat listed country you would expect Nauru to not have all that many immigrants, but tit turns out they not only have a checkered past when it comes to migrants, but that 10 percent of the population are from mainland China. This […]

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What is like spending New Year in Tuvalu?

As part of the 2023-24 Least Visited Countries Tour Young Pioneer Tours had to pick where to spend both Christmas and New Year. Previoulsy our New Years had been spent jumping into a pool fully clothed in Nauru, but what for 2023? To read about a Nauru New Year click here. In the end we […]

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Nauru Recognises the People’s Republic of China (again)

One of the most controversial nations in the world and indeed the least visited country in the world is in the news again as Nauru recognises the People’s Republic of China. Yet while this might seem like epic news, this is far from the first time we have been in this situation. Nauru and “China” […]

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Do YPT offer the cheapest way to see the Pacific?

Do YPT offer the cheapest way to see the Pacific islands, as well as the Least Visited Countries in the world. The short answer is that yes we do. Currently not only are we the only company to offer such a tour, but overall joining us will mean you make the most of our group […]

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Reviewing the 2023-24 Least Visited Countries Tour

After almost 30 days, moved flights, cancelled flights and at least one person ending up in hospital the 2023-24 Least Visited Countries Tour is finally over. So, how did it go, will we run it again and what are our future plans? This is the LVCT review…… A trip that seemed like it would never […]

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What happens if you get sick on tour?

Ideally no one wants to ever get sick when they are traveling, but of course it does happen. So, what is the protocol with YPT if you get sick on tour? OK< so we will ignore the obvious “try not to get sick” and acknowledge that it can and indeed does happen to everyone, including […]

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