Young Pioneer Tours

Author: Dominic Perry

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Flag of Pakistan

With a population of a quarter billion, a rich interesting history and vibrant culture, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a country people really shouldn’t overlook. Hanging out next to its billion-plus population eastern neighbour India and more headline-catching western neighbour Afghanistan, it may sometimes get overlooked. What do you actually know about Pakistan, aside […]

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Flag of Djibouti

One of the smallest and least known about nations in Africa, Djibouti sits comfortably at the horn of Africa between Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea. A good way for us to learn a little is to take a look at the flag of Djibouti and through that, we can learn about its history as a nation. […]

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Flag of Eritrea

The African state of Eritrea is often called the ‘North Korea of Africa’. We at YPT were of course very interested in that and have been running tours there for a while now. But what do you know about Eritrea? A good way to get a sense of a country is to look at its […]

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Flag of Kuwait

Kuwait, at the northern tip of the Arabian peninsula, may be best known for its massive amounts of oil and for being invaded by Ba’athist Iraq in the 1990s, but there’s a lot more to this little emirate than meets the eye. A quick way to gauge the history of a nation is to learn […]

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Flag of Yemen

The nation of Yemen has long been an outlier among the other nations of the Arabian peninsula, lacking the dazzling skyscrapers of Dubai and Riyadh, not to mention charting a completely different political path, free of the monarchies typical of the region. A path that has seen war engulf the nation for the last decade, […]

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Flag of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran is a country with history stretching back thousands of years, covering many different regimes, cultures and ideologies. It can be quite confusing to understand, but a good way to learn about a country is to look at its flag. The flag of Iran has had many variations over the years, […]

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Flag of Iraq

The Republic of Iraq has had a long and turbulent history since its modern borders were first established after World War One. In that century of history there have been many flags for many governments, so here we plan to give you the definitive guide to the flag of Iraq! What does it represent, what’s […]

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Flag of Belarus

You might have seen Belarus in the news quite a lot over the last year. One of the biggest issues (among oh-so many) is the flags being waved by the protesters. It’s hardly the first time, with the flag of Belarus having changed many times over the years, reflecting its turbulent history of shifting leaders […]

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Taliban Government: Nightmare or New Beginning?

In August 2021, the Afghan government collapsed pretty damn hard and fast, officially bookending the 20 year war in Afghanistan by pretty much bringing things back to where they were before, with the old flag and everything. The Taliban’s in charge yet again, as they were from 1996 to 2001. But they’ve changed! So people […]

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What was the Super Great Leap Forward?

I imagine most people have heard of the ‘Great Leap Forward’, the ill-fated Chinese attempt to industrialise in the 1950s. What you may not know so much about is the Super Great Leap Forward, a truly ingeniously named programme initiated by the Khmer Rouge. Now, who are the Khmer Rouge? If you’ve got like… An […]

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